Autonomous driving development


E-Intelligence's E-BASE is a software and hardware platform for ADAS and autonomous driving systems.
E-BASE can provide not only an overall solution 
but also an optional source code and data for the detailed items developed at each stage. 
In addition, since it has a high level of development professionals,
additional solutions can be provided according to the demand of the Client.
Let's meet our E-BASE, the total autonomous driving platform of E-Intelligence. 

E-BASE benefits
& advantages

E-BASE is an Autonomous Driving Framework provided by E-Intelligence for OEM and Tier 1 Developers

E-BASE can provide total solutions for ADAS development including sensing, fusion, perception, planning, control etc
E-BASE architectures all components to be developed independently and is readily available to anyone since it's using ROS2's standard interface and Docker

E-Intelligence can develop technologies that reflect all the needs of the client, and we can support them to apply to target vehicle models and then make inroads into the target market using E-BASE
E-BASE breaks causality in several areas for autonomous development 
and develops independently in vehicles through CAN2DDS,
since all functions use standard DDS, 
they can be integrated and deployed in one ECU or Multi ECU, 
It provides component API according to the C++14 standard 

 By selectively configuring the E-BASE resources necessary for the development process, 
the customer can easily solve the difficulties the customer is experiencing 

E-BASE is delivered using Docker,
so that Developers can easily use it even in a different environment



Visualization of sensor messages, fusion messages, control logic in an intuitive way
Multi-capable verification and development
Provide logic for various functions

    Want to accompany us?

#503, 51, Hoam-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu, Republic of Korea

12F, 50, Seolleung-ro 90-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

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